I blog, therefore I am

This is my adventure into learning about Web 2.0. I am thrilled to the marrow as they say and really want to know and learn as much as I can. Ciao!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Week 3 - Flickr is 2 fun

I could spend hours on this site just exploring the many amazing (and amusing!) images. For the third party site, I tried Ed's Flickr Toys and created a motivator poster. It was fun searching for the image. I thought I could post the actual image on my blog but couldn't quite get it to do that, although the link is there.

Technology related blog post
As far as technology goes, I read about a library system I used the work at, the one and only Santa Monica Public Library www.smpl.org
(an awesome library if you've never been there) and how they now show links to other library systems in their OPAC if they're library doesn't own a particular item. I think that is a great idea and PLCMC should get on board with that. After all, isn't what we're ultimately trying to do is get the information or item into the hands of the user, whether it is through our system or another NC library system?


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