I blog, therefore I am

This is my adventure into learning about Web 2.0. I am thrilled to the marrow as they say and really want to know and learn as much as I can. Ciao!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Week 6 - Tagging, Folksonomies & TechnoratiI found Del.icio.us to be kind of confusing. I understand the concept behind it but I think I'm having trouble searching it, maybe because I was doing on my computer at home which was acting a little strange. I will have to try it at work. I did look at the PLCMC2 account and checked out some of the links. I think if I choose to really explore this further I would need to go back to the Us.ef.ulsite and spend a good hour or two playing around with it. Time is always of the essence. But I do see the potential and the usefulness for it as yet another research tool. Certainly, this is one way of accessing information on the Internet beyond the reach of traditional search engines.


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